By bus:Bus Stop (Bus 85 from Piccadilly Gardens) on Alexandra Road South opposite main entrance to St Bedes College
Also possible to walk across Alexandra Park from Princess Parkway (busses 101, 104, 105, 108 and 109)
By Metrolink:nearest stop Chorlton - 30 mins. walk
or bus 85 to stop on Alexandra Road South/Demesne Road
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How to Find Us
The school is located in the Regis Building of St Bede's College Manchester on Wellington Road, right next to the Alexandra Park in Whalley Range.
The building is entered from its left-hand side; when entering the site turn left and walk to the entrance that overlooks Alexandra Park.
By car the school is easily accesible from the central or south Manchester and Cheshire via Princess Parkway. A spacious car park is also on site.
If you use public transport, the 85 bus stops just round the corner and takes less than 20 minutes from Picadilly Gardens and goes every 10-15 minutes. You can find its timetable HERE.
The same bus but in the opposite direction will also bring you from the Chorlton Metrolink stop.
Škola se nachází v budově Regis - St Bede's College Manchester v těsné blízkosti Alexandra Park ve Whalley Range.
Vstup do budovy je z Wellington Road z levé strany budovy; po vstupu na pozemek školy se dejte doleva mezi budovou a zděným plotem.
Autem je škola snadno dostupná z centra Manchesteru či z jižního Manchesteru a Cheshire po Princess Parkway. K dispozici je prostorné parkoviště.
Pokud přijedete hromadnou dopravou, autobus 85 jede ke škole z Picadilly Gardens necelých 20 minut v 10 - 15 minutovýh intervalech. Jízdní řád najdete ZDE.
Stejným autobusem, ale v opačném směru, se k nám dostanete i ze stanice Metrolink v Chorltonu.
St Bede's College Manchester - Regis Building
Wellington Road, Whalley Range
Manchester M16 8HX
Czech and Slovak School Manchester